My initial reaction was, “What do you mean? What about me? Are you still going to coach me?”
He said, “I’m still going to coach you, but I’m not coaching women anymore because they are too emotional.”
Then I got thinking about how I’ve evolved over the last four years… and how I’ve learned to feel and deal with my emotions.
Because as women, we can be emotional creatures. And we sometimes make snap decisions based on those emotions…
You know the ones… where you flip your shit about something that might not even be relevant or fully real…
But you’ve built up stories in your head around it.
And as you might know, I often get into a hole of working too much and not getting enough sleep.
I, then, get tired and frustrated. When one thing goes wrong, it snowballs. I start making irrational and emotional decisions.
I also see women do this all the time in our program. Shit happens and they decide to throw in the towel. They think, ‘Fuck it. This isn't working. It’s too hard. I can’t do it.” Or they say something they shouldn’t have said in an argument.
Often it's because they’ve drained their resource bucket too much… and haven’t filled it back up.
And I understand because I’m guilty of this too.
So now, I know when I get emotional… I look at what the issue is and I do a VIRUS CHECK.
If I’ve got to a point where I get so fucked off by Craig about something stupid, I sit there and ask myself:
Am I sleeping enough? Have I eaten enough? What is the real issue? Am I snapping or losing my shit at something that is irrelevant? What is the story I’m telling myself? Is it true?
It always comes back to the basics.
Being tired or not eating enough makes you more emotional. It leads to situations where anything will set you off at the drop of the hat.
When you fix those things, you feel SO much better.
Your thinking becomes clearer. You become more rational.
I almost want to tell Linh to send those “emotional” women my way… They probably just need more sugar, food, rest, and sleep.
So… if you’re feeling tired or exhausted and you’re starting to feel like everything is f**ked…
Take a deep breath.
Step back.
Do the virus check.
P.s we only have a few spots left in our December special - 30% off if you join before January 1st. Don’t spend another year flying off the handle making emotional decisions!
Click on the link below for all the details and book FREE call with one of my coaches.