
Richard Wolff on Lessons from Working Class History

Richard Wolff on Lessons from Working Class History "And this election, coming up in 2020, is a first step in figuring out whether the Democratic Party can rise to this situation and if it can't, whether new and different parties will have to emerge that do learn the lesson of the history of the American working class, and its relationship to politics."

We're taking a look back this week. This clip comes from Episode 32 of this season, which aired in the first week of August: "Working Class History and the 2020 Election"

Watch the full episode here:

Check out our new book out by Prof. Wolff: "Understanding Socialism"

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Our books with Prof Wolff: "Understanding Socialism" and "Understanding Marxism"


Since 1992 Dr. Amy S. Cramer, (PhD at Univ of Mass), has been Professor of Economics at Pima Community College in southern Arizona. Her approach involves focusing on the multiple, different and alternative perspectives on economic issues: radical, liberal, and conservative. She calls this approach Voices On The Economy (VOTE for short); it became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 2015. In 2017 Cramer and journalist/writer Laura Markowitz began collaborating on Voices On The Economy: How Open-Minded Exploration of Rival Perspectives Can Spark Solutions to Our Urgent Economic Problems. On July 4th this year, VOTE's new book came out as a free, online educational resource available on their website:

Richard Wolff,democracy,work,labor,economy,economics,inequality,justice,yt:cc=on,

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