
[Langrisser] Apex Match - Vs. someone who overestimated Yulia (2).

[Langrisser] Apex Match - Vs. someone who overestimated Yulia (2). 1:30 - Battle Start.

Same as the previous guy, he attacked with low hp Yulia, which is suicide.

Maybe he thought that Jugler's counter attack won't deal much damage. That's only true when his troops still have high HP.

The fact is, though hydra Jugler has very high converted ATK stats, his attack animation normally does just 6 hits (except when he uses [Beast Shock] that does 20 hits like normal heroes). Each hit of hydra Jugler pack x3 times damage compare to other heroes' normal hit, but if Jugler's opponent has full hp troops (10 soldiers alive), 6 powerful hits of Jugler will only kill 6 soldiers and do no damage to the hero, that's why his counter attack seem not powerful at all.

But if the opponent's troops are at low hp (only 2-3 soldiers alive), 6 powerful hits of Jugler will reach the hero and very likely to kill the opponent.


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