
I Never Feel Tired - Share My Story Animated

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All of us have the desire to become that person: the one who is not familiar with the feeling of being tired, the one who doesn’t have to chug unhealthy amounts of coffee to stay awake or the one who isn’t accused of looking tired all the time.
Fortunately for me, I can proudly proclaim that I have reached that threshold where I can say that I never feel tired. Yes, you heard that right.
My name is Nikki and I am twenty two years old. I made several transitions in my habits which have made me overall more energetic to perform my tasks efficiently. It took me a long time to come to this point. The path wasn’t easy but it wasn’t impossible either.
The combined effect of several bad habits not only determines our mental and physical well being, but it also has a significant impact on how tired and fatigued we can feel on a daily basis, Feeling well-rested and energetic throughout the day is more than just getting a decent amount of sleep, although that does make a difference. It is essential to look at the overall daily routine to make sure that we are engaging in healthy habits that can help give us energy. It is therefore essential to pay very close attention to our daily habits if we want to stay energized and also live a long and healthy life. Here, I am listing what I do in my daily activities.
The first and foremost, I drink plenty of water throughout the day because even mild dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, and problems in concentrating. That’s why I make sure to always have a water bottle with me. I can’t stress the importance of staying hydrated enough.
Some people are of the conception that frequent exercise would make them more tired, but in reality, consistently working out actually gives us more energy. Regular exercise can reduce fatigue more so than stimulant medication. However, I am always careful about my work out timings because exercising too close to bedtime, can make us stimulated and that will keep us up. So, I make it a point to exercise at least four to five hours before bedtime.
Thirdly, I have said goodbye to the snooze button. I know that it’s extremely tempting to hit the snooze button as it offers some instant gratification, but what I have found is that it will actually make you feel more tired throughout the day. I used to do that all the time, but doing so actually made me more tired than when I woke up the first time. This is because falling back awake sends us back into a new, deeper sleep cycle, and waking up so shortly after can disrupt that cycle and leave us feeling groggier than when we actually woke up. So, it’s important to keep in mind that, well-rested people don't hit snooze. It’d be wise to cut the habit of setting the alarm early to enjoy the extra minutes.

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