WWW.VILLAGE36.ORG is the ultimate manifest destiny !
This video link tells it all ! !
Split, Share, Integrate and Rotate is the fully evolved Mantra, Model and Modern Methodology replacing Divide & Rule outdated model !
The single most final Salvation Root Mantra is "Half to Better Half at every step of the Way" !
Now, the question is what is "Half", who is "Better Half" and what is the "Way" and Why ?
The answer is derived by our own conclusion going thru www.village36.org entire website !
May God bless us One & ALL !
Hint : Better Half is whoever provides light at that step !
Half is decision power !
All of us at any moment can step into dark, but our guest = Better Half whoever traveling with us at that moment can guide us into the path of light when we value and uphold the "Half to Better Half" Mantra !