
How to Coach Your Staff for Improved Performance

How to Coach Your Staff for Improved Performance Do you want to have extraordinary coaching sessions with your salon staff?

Today, I'm going to offer you some key tips to make sure your coaching sessions are exceptional.


If you are fortunate enough to be doing one-on-one meetings with your staff on a regular basis, and providing them with coaching, it never fails that at some point you're going to get bored of hearing yourself give the same coaching advice week after week.

“I need you to sell more retail.”
“I need you to pre-book.”
“I need you to post more social media.”

You can get sick and tired of telling them what they need to do. And that's part of the problem because telling them what they need to do is not actually effective coaching.


Instead of telling staff what to do, you should coach your staff in a way that allows them to come up with solutions themselves. This can be a breakthrough because it allows your staff members to take ownership of the answers they create. For example, you can sit down with them and ask,

"What's something that worked since last time we sat down?”
“What’s something that didn't work?”
“What are some of the things that you want to achieve in your career this week?”
“What are some of the things that you want to have for your life in the next six months?"

Then you can start uncovering what they actually want to have in their lives. In fact, they might reveal that they want to buy a new car or new house. In which case, you can ask them this question:

“What do you think it would take for us to increase your income in order for you to do that?”

They're responses to that question may vary, but they could easily say,

“Well, you're rich - raise my commission up a few points and it'll get taken care of.”

In response, you could ask,

"How many more services would it take in order for you to afford that car?”
“How many more guests would you need to see?”
“How many more appointments would you need to have?”
“How many more upsells, cross-sales, retail?"

You can help them determine that number using a calculator, like the specialized calculator we offer in our High Performance Salon Academy.


Make sure that in coaching that you correct the behavior, not correct the person. A great guideline for helping and coaching a person is to never correct something that somebody can't change in 30 seconds. For example, if you I really wish your personality was better. You'd have more luck with the guests that you're sitting down with." You don't want something like that. What you want to be able to say is, "Look, when you ignore retail, it can create a problem."

So when you do that, this is the problem that that creates. The behavior ignoring retail needs to be corrected. Not you hate selling retail, then you need to be corrected. So make sure you correct the behavior, not the person. Ask more questions, then I promise your coaching sessions will be exponentially better. So if you enjoyed this video, do me a favor, give it a like, give it a comment and give it a share and hopefully you'll watch another video of ours real soon. Until then, have an awesome week.

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