
Ep96.This Is Why Your Marketing Often Fails. Angus Pyke

Ep96.This Is Why Your Marketing Often Fails. Angus Pyke Full episode and show notes available at

2500 years ago Sun Tzu in his book The Art Of War had this to say…“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”

Every week I’ll have a practitioner reaching out to me looking for the latest tactic to attract new patients from social media or the latest tactic to create a magnetic patient video and every week I need to remind them that tactics without strategy will not get the outcome they’re looking for.

This definition from business strategies Rachel Smith might be helpful… “Strategy describes the destination and how you are going to get there, and tactics describes the specific action you are going to take along the way.”

Understanding the difference between tactics and strategy is essential to your success and in this weeks episode I’ll share a road map (tactics and strategies) that will help you reach more people, increase your impact and have the phone ringing more often.

Enjoy the show.

Thanks for all you do.

Keep saving lives


ADIO Media


chiropractic marketing,practice marketing,naturopathic marketing,Angus Pyke,ADIO Media,Marketing Your Practice,

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