
AAA - Part 13, Jetpack's ViewModel | Implementing ViewModel in MVVM

AAA - Part 13, Jetpack's ViewModel | Implementing ViewModel in MVVM Hi folks, in this video we get down to the business of implementing a ViewModel using Jetpack's ViewModel API. To work with ViewModel you need to have androidx gradle dependencies added to the application. We also use LiveData and MutableLiveData. The video explains the difference between both of them in detailed manner. We also do a hands on coding in this video tutorial.

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Anil Deshpande,Codetutor,Anil V Deshpande,CodeTutor-DemystifyCoding,Code Tutor-Demystify Coding,Learning Android,Android Tutorials,Android App Architecture,Android Jetpack ViewModel,Who ViewModel and LiveData works in Android jetpack?,ViewModel and LiveData in Android,Android Architecture Components.,

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