
Lies, Distortions, and Misrepresentations in Visualization

Lies, Distortions, and Misrepresentations in Visualization Visualizations are just another way we communicate. And just like any form of communication, we can use it to lie, mislead, and distort. This session presents overview of some recent work from Tableau Research on how visualizations can deceive, and ways to build "defensive" maps and charts that make sure we're not fooling our audience or ourselves when we look at our data. Drawing on perceptual psychology and statistics, we'll talk about what's hidden in histograms, mendacious in maps, and biased in bar charts.

Visual data,Visual analytics,Business analysis,Business analytics,Business analysis tool,Data analytics tool,Data Analytics,Analytics,Analytics platform,Cloud application,Business analytics platform,data analysis,data visualization,business dashboards,business intelligence,tableau,tableau software,

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