
How To: Snatch Below The Knee - A Better Second Pull

How To: Snatch Below The Knee - A Better Second Pull "Making Strong People Stronger" free eBook -

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Can you snatch more from the hang than from the floor?

Of course you can. You are strong, powerful, and have the athleticism to get under the bar. So why do you struggle to hit the same weights?

Getting around your knee and transitioning from the first pull to the second is a tricky beast. There are slight nuances that can make or break the lift.

Putting the bar in the perfect location below the knee, to practice this transition, will build the muscle memory and repetitions to make your lifts off the floor just as strong as from the hang.

Key points for Below the knee snatches:
1. Balance in the mid foot. You weight should not be too far back in your heels or too far forward on the toes. The mid foot mean your entire foot is planted on the ground with equal weight distribution.
2. Drive through the floor. Be patient. This position should not be rushed. Drive with the legs and maintain a strong back angle to create as much power as possible.
3. Long Arms. It is easy to want to bend the arms to get the bar past your knees. Keep the arms long so you can transition as much power as possible into the second pull and generate as much force as possible as you drive up on the bar.

Taking it from blocks or from the hang is a great way to increase your snatch and practice the transition from the first to second pull in the snatch.

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