
How Sugar Creates New Fat Cells is Mind Blowing Science!

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Special Thanks to my team and Nicholas Norwitz - Oxford Ketone PhD Researcher and Harvard Med Student - for working diligently on research as well!

How Sugar Creates New Fat Cells is Mind Blowing Science! - Thomas DeLauer

We're going to have so much fun with this one. This video is about how sugar affects a cell. But to make it interesting, we've created a story out of it. We started the story from a cell when he started as a little stem cell, and as he grew up and became an adult cell.

But we're going to talk about how sugar influences a cell and how it actually changes a cell so you know what's going on inside your body from sort of a different visual perspective. It's going to be a lot of fun. Sit back, relax and enjoy the story of Sammy, the stromal stem cell.

All right, so here's Sammy. Sammy is a multi-potent stromal stem cell. What that means is he's just a young stem cell with so much potential. Sammy could become anything he wants to in this world of the human body.

He could become an osteoblast, which is a cell that forms strong bones, and just be the hero of the body. He could become a chondrocyte, which is going to be something that builds cartilage and joints.

He has so much potential, but what ended up happening is Sammy ended up hanging out with the wrong crowd and he started consuming a bunch of glucose or sugar.

You see, this actually makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. If you take a young cell and you expose it to a bunch of glucose, the body's going to say, "Hey, food is plentiful. We're good. We can go ahead and store this."

Now let's take a look at some research, just so you understand how Sammy's working here. There was a study that was published in the Journal of Stem Cell and Development that took a look at stromal stem cells, and they treated them with increasing amounts of glucose.

Now let's take a look at Sammy's life as he goes through adolescence and becomes an adult. Sammy is no longer Sammy. He's now Sam and he's a full blown adipocyte.

He's a full blown fat cell. Now, he's still consuming glucose. That's the downside. He's still taking in a bunch of sugar. Thing is, now he's neglecting his life. He's not paying his bills. He's not paying attention to his family. He's irresponsible. He's not showing up to work, and it's causing a lot of problems.

Now, what this really means or equates to from a biological standpoint is that as a fat cell becomes older and larger and more insulin resistant, it starts triggering nuclear factor kappa B, which triggers the production of what's called tumor necrosis factor 1 alpha and interleukin 6.

These are cytokines that trigger inflammation throughout the rest of the body. Now in case you didn't know inflammation is very bad. Inflammation is basically like our body's constantly having to fight the flu or a sickness. It's what makes us fatigued. It is the root of so many chronic diseases. It is bad, bad stuff.

There was even a study that was published in the Journal of Endocrinology Metabolism that took a look at fat cells as related to BMI and as related to insulin resistance, and found that the more insulin resistant a fat cell, the more it released inflammatory cytokines.

So start doing the math here. You have a fat cell that's releasing a bunch of inflammatory cytokines. It's triggering inflammation elsewhere.

The insulin resistance of that cell is making it so that glucose is high throughout the entire body, affecting other stromal stem cells. Let's put this into sort of the analogy again.

Nicholas Norwitz - Oxford Ketone PhD Researcher and Harvard Med Student:

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