
Common MISTAKES new YouTubers make! || AVOID These!!!

Common MISTAKES new YouTubers make! ||  AVOID These!!! Whoever clicks on this video, I am hoping that you are going to watch from the beginning till the end. I believe some people out there until now they don't know about the Dos and Don'ts yet. Although they already have reached 1k subscribers, they are still unaware of YT terms of service or YT policy.
Hope, you can learn in this video and start doing the right thing.

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YouTube logo used : free

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// This is from YouTube:

Removing closed accounts & spammy subscribers
Closed accounts: These are accounts that were either closed by the user, or terminated by YouTube due to a policy violation.
Spam subscribers: Subscribers gained through artificial means, such as purchasing subscribers through a third party service.

We regularly verify the legitimacy of the accounts and actions on your YouTube channel. This is part of a process to make sure that our site metrics are free of spam, abuse, and closed accounts to keep YouTube a fair place for everyone.
It’s important that subscriber numbers stay meaningful to make sure that when your subscriber count grows, it’s because you’re organically building a community of authentic fans who will keep watching and supporting you.
Closed accounts and subscribers that are identified as spam won't count toward your total number of subscribers. They also won't show in your subscriber list. Since these are artificial actions, removing them does not impact views or watch time.

April 26, 2017

Sub4Sub is now against YouTube Terms of Service !

“We believe that growing your channel should be done by creating quality content that entices viewers to subscribe and not through artificial or coordinated exchanges.”
Offering to subscribe to another creators channel solely in exchange for them subscribing to your channel, also known as Sub4Sub. “ is not allowed. Creators who offer such exchanges risk losing subscriber numbers, receiving a Terms of Use strike, or even having their channel terminated. //

" Fair Use Disclaimer "


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