
Alan Watt (June 30, 2019) There's Many an Idea We've so Sorely Bought

Alan Watt (June 30, 2019) There's Many an Idea We've so Sorely Bought with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) - TOPICS - Time is Flying - News Now is Part of the Big Agenda of Sustainability - The World Wildlife Fund - Prince Philip - Crisis Scenario to Make You Give Up Your Rights - Reduction of Population - Foundations and Philanthropists on Board with the Agenda - Can Be No Dissenting Voices from the Propaganda - Remember to Order and Donate to Keep These Talks Going - - Politics is a Con Game - Suggestibility - People don't Want to Be Different or Stand Out - Most Folk Conform to Their Peer Group Quickly - Charlotte Iserbyt on the U.S. Education System - Teachers are Change Agents - Children can Be Persuaded to Adapt - Socialism - George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman - The Laws of Moses - East German Stasi - Internet Surveillance and Control - Judges in Britain - U.S. Democratic Party, Every Day is Christmas - We're Already in the World Stasi System and it's Going to get Worse - Self-Policing - Repetition of Slogans - The Magical Portents of Time - The Reality of Evil; a Deep Knowledge of Forces including Evil in Religion - The Horror Show of World War I; the Rise of Science and Weaponry - Nietzsche, God is Dead; the New gods are Scientists and Social Philosophers - WWI led to WWII, Atomic Bombs used on Japan - 9/11, 2001; Numbers and Symbolism - Iraq, Madeleine Albright, the Death of Half a Million was "Worth" It - Do You Really Think We're Progressing to Some Better Future? - What Starvation Really Looks Like - Your Manufacturing is in China, You don't have Any Say about Wars or Any Other Policy; Why Do You Vote? - Tony Blair, Iraq; Went to Work for J.P. Morgan - President Wilson, with Bernays, got U.S. into World War I - Ruled by Corporations - Mass Slaughter - Sustainability; Carbon Neutral - Current Volcanic Activity; That's Holy Smoke - Mud and Wattle Huts - Sustainable Living Schemes in Wales - Nudge Experts - Bertrand Russell, the True Language of Numbers which is What the Electronic System is Based Upon - Managed by Experts, Behaviourists.
*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 30, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)


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'The Lives of Others' (2006) Shows the tactics used by the East German Stasi to root out subversives through surveillance.

Universal Soldier

21st Century Schizoid Man


Alan Watt,

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