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"Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength" by Laurie Helgoe PhD:
"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" by Susan Cain :
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#Drained #Empath #Mental_Health #EmpathsRefuge
7 Signs You Are A Heyoka, The Most Powerful Empath
You're Definitely An INFJ If You Have These 8 Signs.
Life is far from being easy. The race of life is one hell of a roller coaster ride. Right from the womb where each sperm struggle to fertilize the egg down to birth, childhood and adulthood, each stage of life comes with struggles, expectations, and things to achieve.
If one is not careful, things can spin out of control, leaving a person drained and exhausted. As individuals faced with so many challenges, we need to take breaks to avoid getting physically and mentally drained.
So, guys, here are some signs to look out for to know if you are mentally and physically exhausted. But before moving on to these lists, if you enjoy watching this video, please help to like and share this video, guys.