
#03 Digital Value - JCB Special Movie 'The future with you '

#03 Digital Value - JCB Special Movie 'The future with you ' 交通・流通・課金タイプなどさまざまなICカードや仮想通貨、店舗独自のポイントや商店街で使える地域通貨等々、種類が多く小さな単位で散らばってしまう”デジタルバリュー”。

Are you aware of all the kinds of digital value you have? There are various chip cards for transportation, retail, and fee payments, virtual currencies, local store-specific points, local currencies usable at local stores, and many other kinds. These are all different kinds of digital value.
But it is a big problem that you can't use these digital values freely. Wouldn’t the world be more convenient if you could use digital value whenever and wherever you wanted?
持続可能な社会のために ― JCBが考える、あなたとともに歩む未来の映像シリーズ。
JCB special movie series "The future with you ".

#01 Digital Identity "SSI"

#02 Digital Identity "Trust"


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