

新聞美語即時通protracted曠日持久的,經久不衰的 今天我們要學的詞是 protracted. protracted is spelled p-r-o-t-r-a-c-t-e-d, protracted.
protracted 的意思是曠日持久的,經久不衰的。 China has announced a tariff exemption withdrawing duties as high as 72 percent on U.S.-produced pork, one of many tariffs Beijing imposed on American agricultural products amid a protracted trade war with Washington. 中國宣佈減免對美國生產的豬肉徵收高達72%的關稅,這是北京在與華盛頓的貿易持久戰中對美國農產品徵收的眾多關稅之一。
Zimbabwe’s former ruler Robert Mugabe outlived most of his countrymen, but his protracted and long life was constructed upon inflicting enormous suffering upon his people and country. 津巴布韋的前統治者穆加貝比他的大多數同胞活得時間都長,但他的長壽是建立在給他的人民和國家帶來的巨大痛苦之上。
好的,我們今天學習的詞是 protracted, protracted, protracted ..新聞美語即時通是由美國之音和中廣新聞網聯合製播,節目內容歡迎到中廣新聞網youtube收看收聽)#3416


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