
What's Happening At AREA 51?!

What's Happening At AREA 51?! Check out What's Happening At AREA 51! From a planned raid on area 51 on september 20th to other updates about what's currently going on, this top 10 list of area 51 facts will amaze you!

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8. Storm Area 51
In June 2019, a series of events led to one of the most viral internet things to ever happen. In that month, Congress and President Donald Trump were presented with documents from naval pilots claiming that they had seen UFOs. These documents were provided by the Pentagon, and made a lot of waves and restarted buzz about the mysteries of Area 51.

7. The Big Response
Anyone who saw the posting of the "Storm Area 51" event posts on Facebook knew that Matty was kidding in regards to actually doing it. Even going so far as to say that they should "Naruto run" (a reference to a popular anime) in order to "dodge their bullets" and get to "see the aliens".

6. The Backlash
When events like this occur, even in jest, the governments relevant to the situation find out about it and will either ignore it due to it not being credible, or, figure out what is going on and make an official response. While the event was made in jest, the prospect of 3.5 million people heading to Nevada to storm Area 51 was too big a "threat" to least in the verbal sense.

5. The Shift In Perspective
As time drew closer to the September 20th "raid date", Matty Roberts grew more and more nervous, because the events hype had not died down. In a way, it only intensified. And though no one would likely blame him for not doing anything because he started the event in jest, he believed that something needed to be done. Else a lot of people would go, and a lot of people would potentially get hurt.

4. The Backlash to the Music Festival
While many praised the shift in tone, there were still a lot of problems. Not the least of which was that the nearby towns weren't prepared to handle thousands, or tens of thousands or the potential of hundreds of thousands of people showing up to this event. The local town of Rachel, Nevada, near the event, made a post about the event on the website condemning it.

3. Event Canceled
Then, on 9/11/19, Matty Roberts and his crew made an official post on the Alien Fest website. One stating that the event was going to be canceled. With the main fear being that there was going to be a major danger to the people who came

2. How Did This Grow So Big?
Easily the biggest mystery around the "Storm Area 51" events is the simple question of "how did this grow so big?" The easiest answers are that the internet and timing played a major role in setting it up to be so grand. However, at its core, this event focused on the fact that for decades people have wanted to learn more about Area 51, and when the "opportunity" came to "find the truth", they took it.

1. The Future Of Area 51
While the Storm Area 51 event seems to have died, there are still a lot of questions about the location. The government over the years has provided many files and documents stating that Area 51 is nothing more than a classified Air Force Base. Yet, many people don't believe it.

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