
Welcome to HunkerDown.Guide - Commonsense Hurricane Survival

Welcome to HunkerDown.Guide - Commonsense Hurricane Survival Hi, my name is Jamie and I want to welcome you to the website focused exclusively on common sense hurricane preparedness and survival.

A few years ago, after we had a pretty close call with Hurricane Irma, I decided to really up my preparedness game.

We had put up metal shutters on our house, and just a block away a 70 foot pine tree was twisted and toppled by Irma’s high winds. We lost power for 5 days, and living without air conditioning in the Florida heat and humidity really opened our eyes.

As a homeowner, I started to research and invest in things like a generator, solar panels, and preparedness supplies. I also gave serious thought to the problem of dealing with pre-storm stress and anxiety, when everyone starts the panic buying of fuel, bottled water, and plywood.’s gone.

What really works is having a simple, common sense plan, coupled with some practical, step-by-step actions you can do yourself and then add to over time. Survival is a way of thinking.

Using the HunkerDown.Guide, you will learn not only what you need to do, but how to do it. Let’s take a quick look at the website.
I have organized all the information, videos, and resources into 3 guides:

Preparing Before - This is focused on the longer range type of projects you can do weeks or months in advance. Things like buying shutters, getting your trees trimmed, or purchasing a generator.

Storm is Threatening - Written for the days and hours immediately before a Hurricane arrives, this guide includes strategies to help you decide about evacuating or sheltering at home. Included are action steps to take to build a last minute water and food supply, and ways to prepare your yard and home. It is never too late to prepare.

Recovering After - This walks you thru the things you can do once the storm has passed, such as dealing with power outages or damaged property, and getting long-term rebuilding assistance. We also explore ways we can all help others less fortunate than ourselves.

These three guides are always at the top of your screen, be it on a computer, tablet, or a smartphone.

I also send out email updates to those of you who join our free VIPP! Community, which stands for Very Important People Preparing! You will get an easy to digest blog and podcast, where I will answer VIPP! member questions and review any emerging tropical threats.

Since you are viewing this, you and your family live in a community that has a tropical storm or hurricane risk. You may have recently relocated, or perhaps you have experienced some of the disruption and chaos that a hurricane can cause. In either case, you want to up your preparedness game too.

If you are looking for affordable and practical ways to protect your loved ones, your pets, and your home, you’ve found the right place. We are all in this together at HunkerDown.Guide

Hurricane Preparedness,How to prepare for a hurricane or tropical storm,Hurricane Shutters,Generator,Hurricane Plan,Hurricane Kit,Commonsense Hurricane Survival,

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