
Pres. Moon says fake news, inaccurate information damage freedom of speech

Pres. Moon says fake news, inaccurate information damage freedom of speech 문 대통령 "가짜뉴스나 허위정보, 공정한 언론 해쳐"

President Moon Jae-in says fair and balanced reporting is being prevented by so-called "fake news" and misleading information.
President Moon was speaking at the Blue House earlier today with Christophe Deloire, secretary general of Reporters Without Borders.
He said he believes freedom of speech is the foundation of democracy.
But he added that such values are being damaged by hostility between those with different opinions, competition to break stories and the fast spread of fake news.
Deloire acknowledged the positive changes seen in Korean press under the Moon administration,... and thanked him for his efforts.
It was President Moon's first meeting with the delegation from RSF.

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