
Pain Is An Integral Part Of Life: What Is The Purpose Of Pain?

Pain Is An Integral Part Of Life: What Is The Purpose Of Pain? This video is about the purpose of pain in our lives and how if we can get on board with the fact that pain does have purpose and an integral role to play in our lives that we can then leverage pain for great benefit.

Let's face it, pain is inevitable. Whether it's physical, psychological or spiritual pain. You're going to encounter pain.

But pain is integral to life. There's a way in which life is not actually whole if there is not pain. So pain must have a purpose.

There's a fundamental problem with our society. We don't recognize that pain has a purpose. We assume pain is something that needs to be avoided. We assume that pain is something that is getting in our way of living life the way we think it's supposed to look.

This is a flawed way to look at pain and the source of many problems.

It keeps us from expressing our soul's gifts here on this planet.

My work combines the revolutionary modality, called Network Spinal Analysis, with the consciousness awakening power of Mindfulness Awareness Practices to form my own technique, known as BioSoul Integration. Through BioSoul Integration my mission is to help individuals create an ever-deepening connection to their bodies, their lives and their World; to help those who have felt the strong calling to embody their Soul’s purpose and to give their unique gifts on this planet.

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