
How To Heal Others With Energy - A Technique That Works Wonders

How To Heal Others With Energy - A Technique That Works Wonders Here's how to heal others with energy. I want to share my experience with you on how I am always gently sending other people healing throughout my day.

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In today's video, I want to show you a very effective method that you can use to transfer healing onto someone that you know, someone in your life that may be suffering through an illness right now, and I'm going to show you this method that doesn't require any previous experience of healing or Reiki or anything like that. All it requires is awareness and concentration. All right, let's get right into it.

before we get into the steps of actually trying to heal someone else, I want to kind of give you a disclaimer that yes, you may see someone in your life, maybe that's really close to you suffering through an illness and you may feel really bad for them. Then you want them to get better. However, at the same time, I would advise you to respect their evolution and even if you aren't able to transfer any healing to them, even if you try and like still, they still don't get better. You have to understand that this may be the very thing that they need to experience at this time in their life to learn something greater, to realize theirself at a deeper level, to deepen their own awareness. I know for me, my illness, the six years that I spent in suffering are what led me onto my path of greatest happiness are what led me to the spiritual path and awakening to my true nature more and more.

So. I know it sucks to see someone in your life like really going through something, but at the same time you have to have that wisdom. You have to have that compassion to let them go through what they need to go through to learn what they need to learn. Okay. There's greater power that is allowing this to happen right now is much wiser than you is much greater than you. So don't resist against the current circumstance by constantly defining it to be bad. This could be the greatest blessing that occurred to them. I know my illness was the greatest blessing I ever received in disguise. Okay. So I just wanted to place that out there that even if you aren't able to heal this person, that you're really trying to heal, still have that respect, have that compassion, have that wisdom, that there is a greater power at play and they have an equal connection to the source within just like you do.

Now, when we talk about trying to heal someone else, you will only be as effective, uh, for transferring healing to them as you would be for transferring healing to yourself if you are trying to heal someone else. Whereas you yourself have belief in illness, belief in lack, belief in suffering.

If you yourself are not clear about awareness about the abundant nature of all that is of the love that permeates every cell of existence. If you yourself lack clarity, then how can you transfer that, love that healing presence onto someone else? Right? So that's where I said before the all this technique really requires is awareness and concentration were on the awareness part right now where you yourself have to become convinced that illness has no reality.

It is just a projection within awareness. Whereas all that actually exists is awareness, is God is love is light, and the more you can more of this dawns on you in your awareness, the more clarity you gain on life on reality, and you start to see the illusory nature of illness, that it is just there as a catalyst to actually wake you up to something greater to your greater nature.

But if you yourself believe in illness as an actual physical reality, then you will rarely ever be able to heal yourself and you will really be able to transfer this healing onto someone else also. So first, first step is to really just yourself get clear on the nature of things that the only thing that ever is is awareness within which this is a circumstance right now, but it has no reality. It has no real existence in order to heal yourself and the person that you're trying to heal, you can no longer affirmed that you are a victim of an illness....

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Music by Chris Zabriskie

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