
Fair Share For Artists: 'We cannot live on thin air'

Fair Share For Artists: 'We cannot live on thin air' Join our #FairShareForArtists campaign at today, and help us protect this important right for artists, as well as our entire creative economy.

Artist Nicholas Sinclair on making a living as an artist.

The Resale Right is a modest royalty paid to artists from the resale of their works, either through galleries or auction houses. This provides artists with essential income and an ongoing stake in their work.

Artists use these royalties to help sustain their practice and continue making work, artists’ estates need these royalties to fund activities such as cataloguing, archiving and restoration.

Where it is widely accepted that musicians and authors continue to generate revenue from their published work, we believe it is only fair that the same rights are extended to visual artists.

At a time of growing uncertainty, the UK’s creative economy is booming and represents the fastest growing part of our economy. For this to continue, those working throughout the visual arts must be celebrated and supported.

ARR was passed into UK law in 2006 and has been adopted in 81 countries worldwide. Since 2006, DACS has distributed over £80 million in ARR for artists and their estates, which represents a crucial source of funding to the visual arts and a vital contribution to the creative economy.

Established by artists for artists, DACS is a not-for-profit visual artists’ rights management organisation. Passionate about transforming the financial landscape for visual artists through innovative new products and services, we act as a trusted broker for 100,000 artists worldwide. Founded over 30 years ago, DACS is a flagship organisation that campaigns for artists’ rights, championing their sustained and vital contribution to the creative economy. We collect and distribute royalties to visual artists and their estates through Payback, Artist's Resale Right, Copyright Licensing and Artimage. Since we were founded in 1984, we have paid over £100 million in royalties to artists and their estates – a significant source of income supporting artists’ livelihoods, their practice and legacy.

Susan Stockwell's advice for artists

Simon Patterson on supporting artists at the beginning of their career

Nicholas Sinclair,Artist's Resale Right,art,artist,artist estate,ARR,Fair Share for Artists,DACS,Artimage,support artists,artist interview,artist advice,photography,advice for photographers,

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