Smiles bday is arriving on 9 th oct 2019 at Tagore theatre. Come and join the energy carnival to purify yourself and give a chance and opportunity for all your loved ones to be a part of this carnival. All the school , college and office people , try and make an attempt to come for 2 hours to purify your soul. It’s coming after dussehra so we would kill the ravaan within us on 8 th oct 2019 and take a new life forward by attending this special 4 th year celebration of gratitude, unconditional love and positivity.
For the benefit of all in the universe, guru is asking for guru Dakshina by sending a video ( preferably ) or audio with the changes you have felt being in the SMILES.
For smiles celebration, we would need your old hard bodied papers to make few things. Please handover to Venus and Pooja and ask their contact numbers from any of the smile group members.
Let’s exchange our energy in the energy carnival and make the most of the session by encouraging and motivating each and everyone you know to be a part of it.
Ek dooni Chaar
Chaar dooni bahar
Smiles mein bass gaya sansaar !!