
9-1-19 ~ 'Seek the LORD While He May be Found'

9-1-19 ~ 'Seek the LORD While He May be Found' Greetings Brothers and sisters,
This is my first (appearance) on YouTube. The Heavenly Father sent me here to emphasize the importance of getting our spiritual walk in order. . . To draw near to Him while He may be found.
Please be respectful in your comments; the Heavenly Father is watching ALL, so please be cordial with one another. I won't be able to monitor all of the comments due to time constraints.

Here are my three blog sites if you care to go through them. There is quite a bit of information on each one. I ask that you PLEASE pray about what you read and/or what I share here on YouTube. I'm not sure how long I'll be here and/or posting on my last blog site (BelieveActs2HARVEST):

believeacts2's Blog | Dreams, Visions and Revelations for These End Times (Acts Chapter 2:17-18)

BelieveActs2FIRE – Sharing the Truth, with LOVE, from the "Kingdom of Heaven" Perspective

BelieveActs2HARVEST – Preparing the Remnant for the LORD's Return


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