Spent the day down Rachel Nevada for the Alienstock Festival/Area 51 Raid and brought back some 360 degree video for those who could not make it. For the most part it was really chill, not a giant turnout but surprisingly decent amount. We set up a free tinfoil hat station down where everyone passes on the way to the stage. This gave a great lookout point for observing the crowd and the hats actually turned out too be very well received. Some interesting people out there, the guy directly to the left was hustling all the products he dragged with him across the country, some true believers and few overly motivated base stormers that got arrested shortly after we left. It was fun, goofy and cringey all at different times but worth the experience.
The footage takes place from 6:30am to around 4:30PM. There was still not bands playing and the crowd seemed to be fizzing out a bit before we left.On our way out we stopped by the popular back gate, I screwed up the settings on my camera so I apologize that the video get's weird there. Also I did my best to get a little bit of everywhere, things are closer together than they appear in the footage.
More VR game videos coming soon!
Credit where Credits Due-
Light Awash by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (