
15 Simple सवाल जिसका जवाब आपको नहीं पता Interesting facts you were too lazy to Google

15 Simple सवाल जिसका जवाब आपको नहीं पता  Interesting facts you were too lazy to Google Hey friends, as humans we are all very curious and inquisitive as it is our natural tendency to know anything and everything. But it is also true that we are all very busy in our lives and lets face it no one wants to sit and search the answers for each and every qustion that pops in our minds. So don`t worry friends, i have made a compilation of questions that almost all of us thought about but were too lazy to google. This video adresses common questions like... Why does our voice sound different in a sound / voice recording? Why does our eyesballs, not feel cold? Why do birds fly in a V- shape? Why do we get motion sickness? Where do airplanes dump their waste? Why is a shampoo`s lather always white in colour even if the shampoo itself is coloured? Why do coldrinks have 5 pointed bottoms? Why does our face look better in mirrors than in pictures?
How do we manage to make emergency calls even when there in no network? Why does a bald person`s head shine so much? Why is there a hole present at the tip of a pen`s cap and finally the question of the century.. Why is sky blue in colour?
Some of the clips have been used from it`s AumSumTime
for representation purpose only:-

Do watch the entire video to know more:-

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Thank You!!

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