
Workplace Suicide Postvention: Utilizing a Plan and Team with Audio Description

Workplace Suicide Postvention: Utilizing a Plan and Team with Audio Description Although workplaces have protocols and plans in-place for many types of workplace incidents, not all workplaces have a suicide postvention plan. Incorporating a suicide postvention team can be especially helpful for workplace suicide postvention efforts. This film provides an overview on how to establish and then utilize a suicide postvention team within your workplace. For additional guidance and resources, please visit the Workplace section of Uniting for Suicide Postvention (USPV).

VHA,VA,Veteran,Veteranhealth,Rocky Mountain MIRECC for Suicide Prevention,Suicide Postvention,Suicide Loss Survivor,Uniting for Suicide Postvention,USPV,Veterans,Suicide,Suicide Prevention,Grief/Bereavement,Military,Workplace Suicide Prevention,Workplace Suicide Postvention,Supervisors,Administrators,Human Resources,HR,

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