WHEN WE FINALLY REALIZE THE PRAYER IS TO RELEASE IT, NOT TO GAIN IT. FREEDOM FLOWS IN LIGHT. An earth trine is lowly developing. With the incoming energies in Virgo, a plan is being made, with the fact that we cannot continue as we have. Changing our relationship to 'power; in our selves and the way of the past, in our own image of who we wanted to be, how we wanted to get there, and the building of our own 'little empire'. It's a deep process of letting go of an image we have held about ourselves and our world. 'Rising to the top of the corporate ladder' is no longer the aim, in any way of the word. Where will we stand when the ladder falls? As it is destined to do! Embrace the change and the new perspective with grace, not with terror, with honour not with a sense of defeat, with a deeper purpose and humbleness. [Astrology, or mystic messages of the stars forms the basis of the spiritual legends of all nations. The twelve signs, the five planets with the sun and moon and the two great divisions of the heavens, are found in the religious monuments of all peoples.] by Corinne Heline in 'The Bible and the Stars'. Daily Download AUGUST 22nd 2019 with Magali 👁 APPLIED ASTROLOGY ONLINE COURSE