Home Minister Amit Shah has proposed to remove Article 370 that gives special status to Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a crucial Cabinet meeting at his 7, Lok Kalyan Marg residence along with the other members of the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) on Monday before the big announcement. The decision comes as tension continues to simmer in Jammu and Kashmir and over 35,000 additional troops were moved in the state in the days before the announcement. Tensions have escalated in the strife-torn state ever since the administration called off the Amarnath Yatra in an unprecedented move and asked all tourists to leave the state immediately. Mobile internet has been suspended in the Valley while restrictions and night curfews were imposed in several districts of Jammu and Kashmir. Several political leaders, including Mehbooba Mufti, Omar Abdullah and Sajad Lone, have been put under house arrest while Army personnel have taken to the streets of Kashmir. The government has imposed restrictions under Section 144 of the CrPC in Srinagar district that came into effect on Sunday midnight. Schools and colleges in Jammu, Kishtwar, Rezai, Doda and Udhampur districts were also ordered to remain closed on Monday. Here are live updates of the developments in Kashmir:
#Article370Debate #AmitShah #RajyaSabha
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