***Resources / Ressources: Journal du Net, Le Figaro
Découvrez tout à propos des vacances en France: où les français passent leurs vacances, combien d'entre eux partent en vacances chaque année, combien de vacances ont-ils... Apprenez davantage sur les vacances en Europe, les vacances aux États-Unis, les vacances en Asie, les vacances en Afrique, les vacances en Indochine et d'autres lieux de vacances de rêves. Découvrez des astuces utiles pour économiser de l'argent sur le transport en France (et le transport en Europe en général) telles que les trains peu chers, les compagnies aériennes pas chères et comment prendre des vacances peut être bénéfique pour la santé.
👋Hello! My name is Rachele DeMeo. I grew up multilingual and multicultural. Founder of Belle Terre Academy, I'm passionate about teaching (especially French), traveling, cooking and helping YOU! I look forward to sharing my videos with you! 🇺🇸🇬🇧
👋Bonjour! C'est Rachèle DeMéo. J'ai grandi poliglotte et multiculturelle. Fondatrice de Belle Terre Academy, je suis passionnée par l'enseignement (surtout le français), les voyages, la cuisine et de VOUS aider! J'ai hâte de vous partager mes vidéos! 🇫🇷
👋Ciao! Sono Rachele DeMeo. Ho cresciuto poliglotta e multiculturale. Fondatore di Belle Terre Academy, sono passionata di insegnare (sopratutto il francese), i viaggi, la cucina e di aiutarVI! Non vedo l'ora di convidere i miei video! 🇮🇹
Looking to learn French the right way? 💁🏼I would be honored to be your French teacher!
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🇫🇷French courses / Cours de français 🇫🇷
Step 1 - Go to: www.BelleTerreAcademy.com
Step 2 - Pick your course | sign up instantly
Step 3 - Access your course immediately and start learning!
Other available courses:
- French 101 (for new beginners):
- French 102 (beginner-intermediate):
- French 201 (intermediate-advanced):
- Basic Travel French:
- French Pronunciation Course:
- French + (learn how to maintain French for a lifetime so you never lose it):
- French cinema:
- Le monde et les héritages francophones:
😃Hear what others have said!
🤓More about your native instructor / Davantage à propos de votre prof native:
📕Books / Livres
- "Le Français for Everyone": (I & II)
A 900+ page book (that took 8 years to write) divided in two parts to learn French from A to Z--from slang to more formal French covering vocabulary, grammar, culture, history-geography, cinema, philosophy, literature and many, many resources to help you learn French, the most logical way.
- "French Plus":
This book teaches you how to use and never lose French or any other language you've learned or consider learning. 9 years of post-graduate research summed up in 60+ pages to guide you in how to maintain a language for a lifetime!