
The results in Table 1 don’t seem to correspond to those in Figure 2 by Dr Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel

The results in Table 1 don’t seem to correspond to those in Figure 2 by Dr Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel For a data analysis to be reproducible, the data and code should be assembled in a way such that results (e.g. tables and figures) can be re-created. While the scintific community is by and large in agreement that reproducibility is a minimal standard by which data analyses should be evaluated, and a myriad of software tools for reproducible computing exist, it is still not trivial to reproduce someone's (sometimes your own!) results without fiddling with unavailable analysis data, external dependencies, missing packages, out of date software, etc. In this talk we present good, better, and best workflows for reproducibility that touch on everything from data storage, cleaning, analysis, to communication of final results.

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#computational #reproducibility #dataAnalysis #dataScience #RStudio #github #bioinformatics #compbio


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