I love grabbing the GoPro and shooting some real time action for you all as we mow grass and share with you some of our properties. Today we're mowing a batch of 4 lawns which are all right next to each other, which didn't take more than a half hour to knock out.
I always say route density is key when you're trying to build your lawn care business, because let's face it, time is money. You can't afford to be driving the truck all over the place and expect to run high production rates!
Outside of the mowing, I wanted to share a follow up thought that I had when talking to Christian with C&I Services video we did a few days back. I think the biggest tip I can give folks who are just starting in the business is: REINVEST.
Check out the last half of the video if you want to hear some practical tips and mindset and what we did to grow our company to what it is today! Thanks for watching!
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Check out these other favorite videos from Brian’s Lawn Maintenance!
► If You Own A Service Business You Need To Watch This
► The BEST NEW Tool For Sharpening A Lawn Mower Blade! (Have You Seen This Yet?!)
► Blower Wars 3.0! Testing The New STIHL BR800 & ECHO PB-8010
► Check Out Our Second Channel! Our Daily-ish Behind The Scenes Vlog Channel! Fullerton Party Of Two!**
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How We Shoot Our Videos And Vlogs:
Canon 80D Main Camera:
My First Camera:
GoPro Hero 7:
Good Microphone for DSLR’s:
Bendy Gorilla Pod Thing: