
Rabbi YY Jacobson: As My Heart Touches Yours, I Can Discover Who I Am

Rabbi YY Jacobson: As My Heart Touches Yours, I Can Discover Who I Am Maamar Reb Hillel Eisa B'Psikta #8 - As Your Energy Reaches the End of the Rope and Touches Your Disciple, You Are Reinvented

This class was presented on Friday Parshas Matos-Maasei, 1 Av, 5779, August 2, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY 

For Source Sheets:,Parshah,Torah Study,Religion,Judaism,Shiur,Rabbi YY Jacobson,Rabbi Jacobson,YY Jacobson,theyeshiva,the yeshiva,Torah Online,

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