
A Rare Blessing: “Five Hundred Times More!”

A Rare Blessing: “Five Hundred Times More!” This Week, a Rare Blessing: “Five Hundred Times More!”

This Monday, August 22nd, 18 Menachem-Av, a historic campaign is being launched in honor the Rebbe’s father, the holy Kabbalist, Rabbi Leib Yitzchak Schneerson, OBM. Chabad of Kazakhstan is raising $750,000, heeding the Rebbe’s annual appeal to honor his father on the day of his yahrtzeit.

When the Shluchim arrived in Kazakhstan, they found a Jewishly desolate country. They were confident that Rabbi Levi Yitzchak’s efforts on behalf of the Jewish community, eventually costing him his life, would bear fruit. If you consider six bustling Jewish centers, spread across the country, with a seventh on the way, success, then their wager more than paid off. Now, the Shluchim are appealing to the broader Chabad family and the Jewish community at large, to partner with them and make this desert bloom even further.

Every dollar donated is tripled and donations of $54 and more earn you a chance to win two all-expense-paid trips to Almaty, the holy resting place of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson This campaign comes with a unique promise. At the annual farbrengen honoring his father, the Rebbe made a dramatic appeal: “Regarding Keren Levi Yitzchak, each person should contribute commensurate with his generous spirit and then increase, not marginally but in great measure. The Almighty will then certainly increase that amount five hundred times more.”

Seize the moment. Go to and merit this rare blessing for you and your family today!

Levi Yitzchak,chabad of Kazakhstan,chabad of almaty,20av,Rabbi Levi Yitzchok,almaty,kazakhstan,Jews in Kazakhstan,75th yartzeit,

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