
來訪者2 Visitor 2 Part 2 - 我不配!!

來訪者2 Visitor 2 Part 2 - 我不配!! 《来访者2》是一款华人制作的全动态影像类侦探悬疑游戏,故事发生在《来访者》之后,讲述2018年一个冬夜,在一处乡村招待所发生的一起凶杀案,一名女性——于莉死在了她所居住的房间里,玩家所扮演的侦探需要在数个嫌疑人及数十个证物和监控等线索中寻找到矛盾或者联系。玩家所扮演的强生、欧阳兰、小李三人作为本作主角,将继续与犯罪嫌疑人斗智斗勇,揭开背后的真相。

The Visitor 2 is a full-motion video (FMV) based detective suspense game made by Chinese. This game is a sequel to Visitor and it tells a story that a murder case happened in a boarding house on a winter night in 2018. Yu Li, a woman, died in the room where she lives. The detective played by the player needs to find contradictions or connections in several suspects and dozens of evidence and monitoring clues...

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來訪者2 Part 2,Visitor 2 Part 2,

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