
Mussels get stressed by sounds of ships even though they have no ears

Mussels get stressed by sounds of ships even though they have no ears Mussels are suffering from stress as a result of underwater noise from ships, research suggests.Scientists said that while this was not 'immediately dangerous' for the creatures, it could impact on growth and may even help explain a decline in mussel banks in some areas of the UK.Previous studies have looked at how noise affects larger marine creatures, such as whales and dolphins.Now a team of marine scientists from Napier University and Heriot Watt University, both in Edinburgh, have looked at the impact on mussels. Mussels are suffering from stress as a result of underwater noise from ships, a new study has found. Stock pictureDespite the molluscs not having ears, the researchers found they can detect changing sound levels in their environment.The scientists collected mussels from the shore at Musselburgh, outside Edinburgh, and tested their response to noise in a lab at the St Abbs Marine Station near Eyemouth - a charity dedicated to marine science, conservation and education.Karen Diele, from Edinburgh Napier University, the co-director of research at the marine station, said: 'The blue mussel is an extremely important invertebrate in the UK: it is commercially valuable and it plays an essential ecological role as a reef builder and a filter-feeder that keeps the water clean.' RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Shocking footage shows thousands of bees VIBRATING on the... Sickening moment jet skiers 'speed towards a pod of... Share this article Share She added: 'Mussels don't have ears but they can detect changing sound levels in their environment.'We recorded and played the sound of a ship's motor to a sample of blue mussels in a controlled setting, and measured biochemical and behavioural changes in the mussels.'For the first time in a marine species, we detected noise-induced changes in DNA integrity, indicating an underlying source of stress.'Matt Wale, also from Edinburgh Napier University, told how the mussels that had been exposed to noise consumed 12% less oxygen - adding this would lead to increased energy use and potentially slower growth. Scientists, researching in Musselburgh (pictured), said that while this was not 'immediately dangerous' for the creatures, it could impact on growth and may even help explain a decline in mussel banks in some areas of the UKHe continued: 'The filtration rate, or how much algae they consume, decreased by over 80% and there was a 60% increase in valve gape, which means the mussels are spending more time vulnerable to predators.'Another member of the team, Mark Hartl from Heriot-Watt University, stated: 'Given the wide distribution of mussels in areas where they may be exposed to noise, the impact of noise does not appear to be fatal or immediately dangerous for mussels.'However, this doesn't mean it isn't having a long-term effect on mussel populations in high noise areas, it could be affecting their growth, reproductivity and may help explain the decline of mussel banks in some areas


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