Not the greatest quality of video but still adorable, informative & ever so precious. I did not want to move to re position my tripod and camera for a better shot in fear of spooking baby & mom feeding session.
Nature is not 'perfect' there will always be sticks and twigs & something in the way & to be quite honest I prefer it this way.
So in this video you see the amazing barred owl mom doting on her baby barred owlet but tenderly tearing pieces of the chipmunk up and feeding it to her little one. She does this for many moments. What I wasn't expecting was dad to fly in with even more food, a vole I am assuming and baby swallows it whole in a few gulps.
The expression on mom's face really tugged at my heartstrings as if she's thinking "I worked really hard hunting that chipmunk for you and feeding you small pieces"
Only 2 more episodes left after this to finish the story of this amazing barred owl family.