
What it's like to be a COMPLETE FAILURE in life: Just look at David Casper and that's a FAILURE

What it's like to be a COMPLETE FAILURE in life:  Just look at David Casper and that's a FAILURE Everything in my life is a COMPLETE FAILURE. So what about it? I failed everything completely and if I was to write a SUMMARY of my life and all that I tried to do or even somehow managed to get done ultimately it turned into a COMPLETE FAILURE.

The only thing good in my life has bee the word of God, THE HOLY BIBLE, the Authorized (King James)Version and the God of the HOLY BIBLE and his Son the Lord Jesus Christ along with the Spirit of God who is the Comforter the Holy Spirit.

Right now and forever the only thing that matters in my life is the word of God. All else is just as useless as anything I have tried to do and ultimately not accomplished.

Have I pleased God? I don't think I have other than believing on the Lord Jesus Christ according to the scriptures and ultimately believing the gospel of Christ and trusting in him for salvation, everlasting life, and for any wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.

And so my life that I live now although it is a real mess on the outside and I have no testimony according to many of anything other than failure and perhaps some kind of 'boulevard of broken dreams' I count it all but loss now for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ. And I would simply like to learn more about the Lord Jesus and believe he is God manifest in the flesh.

So all I want to do is learn more about my Lord Jesus and worship God in spirit and in truth. I don't need to be a pastor, teacher, preacher, prophet, apostle, evangelist, bishop, deacon, elder, or anything else. I am content to be NOTHING other than in Christ Jesus.

Perhaps i missed the mark according to some but I shall stand in my lot at the last day. Now what will you do with Jesus Christ and him crucified for you?

Perhaps my life seems like NOTHING but failure to you and me and I agree it is a COMPLETE FAILURE then I guess I'll have to answer for that at the judgment seat of Christ. He can beat me with many stripes then if he so desires. In the meantime that's all I have to say about it.


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