
Reasons Why Certain Videos Haven't Been Made Yet

Reasons Why Certain Videos Haven't Been Made Yet I thought it would be a good idea to make and upload a little video explaining why all the videos I recently said I would be making haven't been made yet. Reasons from the fact that I'm still dealing with a little bit of technical problems involving my recording gear, as well as the fact that I'm in the proceof making a brief intro for my videos on this channel.

I especially thought making this video would be a good idea as I have since had one person tell me they unsubscribed from my channel because I wasn't posting anything of any interesting content.

Youtubers and their channels mentioned in this video:

Drew from She Who Walks Between This World:

Little Cosmic Crow:


I pronounce my channel name, which is also my spiritual name, of Súile Bríde roughly as Soo-lah Breege-ah.

You will also find me at the following locations across the web:






You will also be able to reach me through the following methods if you wish to contact me for any reason:


Telephone: 304-945-0007

Channel Hiatus,Channel Problems,Video Problems,Video Hiatus,Technical Problems,Recording Equipment,Webcam,Microphone,Video Introductions,She Who Walks Between The Worlds,Little Cosmic Crow,

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