Steve Stricker is one of the all time best, and he did this golf pitching technique very much so.
He uses a wide, U-shaped swing returns the natural loft to the ball –Now you can too to become a master of the wedge game.
for ultimate golf lessons free. Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you a simple golf tip to improve your address position and posture to have a better golf swing.
Club, arms and body match-up at the finish, a result of the even tempo throughout.
Eliminate wrist hinge and create unit of left arm & club
The secret to controlling the spin, trajectory and landing distance of your wedge shots lies in your ability to govern the angle and the speed of the delivery of the clubhead through the ball. And as Steve Stricker proves so conclusively, this is achieved most consistently with a technique that eliminates wrist action and places the emphasis for control on the bigger muscles in the body – i.e. the torso and the shoulders as you rotate away from and then toward the target.
We don't wan't you to compare to the PGA Tour pros and the LPGA tour pros, we can learn simple golf swing principles that don't require a lot of athleticism and don't need you to hit thousands of balls to ingrain the new golf swing technique.
By transforming your swing into a swing that looks like theirs, you’ll be using your body as well.
Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having a perfect golf swing.. YOUR perfect golf swing
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Golf wins in the complication department. No other sport boasts the amount of gadgets, swing fixes, variations of balls, clubs, tees, courses, not to mention weather!, however, it is not as difficult as you have been led to believe.
The Art of Simple Golf was born when confusion overruled the joy of golf.
Using simple methods. Simple drills, breaking down the game into tips that actually work. Giving you freedom in your golf swing.
Our goal is to get golfers to;
-play more consistent golf
-hit longer drives
-shoot lower scores
-feel better
-play better
-and enjoy golf once more
Our goal is to get golfers playing more consistent golf, hitting longer drives, shooting lower scores, feel better, play better, and enjoy golf, once again.
Im sure you have realized that by now because despite your best efforts you have not seen significant improvement.
It’s not your fault though!
The over complicated swing instruction methods have your best interests at heart, but as I alluded to earlier, they are still stuck in the “golf instruction paradigm blindness” and only give you what the industry dictates again and again.
We have scoured the globe to partner and feature some of the best coaches and smartest folks out there.
Golf tips