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Best Term Insurance Policy | How to ensure Easy claims in Term Plans in India | जीवन बीमा |
Term insurance Policy is a critical instrument that is essential to protect your family's future and it is a pure insurance plan. This video will tell you the factors that are important to consider before buying and comparing term insurance policies and how to buy the best possible term insurance plan.
This video will answer following questions -
1. How to select best life insurance plan?
2. How to select cheapest term insurance?
3. Points to keep in mind for easy settlement of term insurance?
4. Best term insurance plan?
5. Mistakes done in buying term insurance?
6. Is cheapest term insurance the best term insurance?
Education of Anant Ladha-
Chartered Accountant (rank holder), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Certified Financial Planner (CFP), FPSB certified Investment planner, insurance planner, Estate planner and retirement planner, B.Com
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