
3 Ways to Evoke Deeper Intimacy and Liberate Love

3 Ways to Evoke Deeper Intimacy and Liberate Love In this video from the November 2018 Art of Fearless Intimacy intensive in Santa Monica CA, John and Kendra describe how every moment can be deeper or more beautiful, from an intimate moment, to the mundane, or even having a fight, by being devoted to something greater than yourself. They describe three ways to do this: through sensitivity, generosity, and taking responsibility for deepening a moment through your unique masculine and feminine gifts.

They discuss the importance of training your nervous system to be more sensitive to what's needed in a moment (i.e. "Her heart is tender, she needs to be held in this way," or "He's overburdened; maybe he needs some of this energy.") In doing so, we liberate love in a way everybody can feel in a deep and impactful way.

They also describe how the practice of generosity can evoke the best in your partner, and why choosing to gift in this way, even when you believe your partner doesn't deserve it, can free more love.

Lastly, they speak to the masculine and feminine responsibilities to creating the deepest moment possible. The masculine responsibility is to hold the structure: through breath, posture, awareness, and being the 'master of time and space.' The feminine responsibility for the deepest moment is to bring the energy that fills that structure.

For information on John's upcoming trainings and workshops, visit:

john wineland,relationship,intimacy,new mens work,be a better man,relationship advice,sex and intimacy,kendra cunov,nervous system,

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