
Why some live streams get reported. Predator's search for Bored, Dare, Hi, Hey, Slime to find kids.

Why some live streams get reported. Predator's search for Bored, Dare, Hi, Hey, Slime to find kids. Exposing creeps. The YouTube pedophile of the year is Sarah Mae Starfire. He also uses these accounts: wolf, Artic Wolf, Jalapeno, work din, Froggy, seven, four, peanut, Anna Bella and Mimi. I have reported this man hundreds of times for asking young girls to show him the bottom of their feet. He has caused many of these girls to lose the ability to live stream or lose their YouTube accounts. If anyone try's to stop him in a live stream he will use many of his other accounts to attack that person and to turn the girl against the person that is try to help. He also reports the girls if they do not do what he asks.

Joshua Josh, Dares, Bored, Hey, Hi, Join, Peeps, Routine, Gymnastics, Sleepover, Stuff, Random, Hello, lol,


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