
INTERNET BUSINESS TEAM - 16 How to earn the most money on the worst days

INTERNET BUSINESS TEAM - 16 How to earn the most money on the worst days Right now I most often enjoy my life. I am in a kind of recovery phase.

In the last few years I have seen a few crises in my business and sometimes the circumstances could not have been part of a movie - because the audience would not have believed it.

Yes, Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger can jump onto flying planes, we all have seen that.

But what is that online trading guy doing with his trading courses?

No bank education and trading with up to 22 currencies with a random entry on a real account?

Would you believe that?

I have just seen a movie where the actor fell out of an exploding alien spaceship that was about 100 feet above the ground.

His shirt got a little dirty, though. I bet Chuck Norris would have done that a lot better, don’t you think?

No big deal in the movies!

But we never would believe the weird things that actually happen in real life.

If you google the name Roy Sullivan, you will find a man that has been struck by lightning seven or eight times.

Mr. Sullivan used to walk around with a can of water for some time, because he wanted to be able to extinguish his hair when the next flash would hit him.

You don’t believe me? You will find Mr. Sullivan either in Wikipedia or in the Guiness book of world records.

Leaving the house when you have been struck by the lightning so many times must require much courage.

I really admire people who are able to do such courageous things.

Like the motorbike riders who are able to jump high in the air, doing a handstand while they fly to the other side of the arena where they mysteriously manage to get their motorbike back on the track without any injuries.

I still don’t understand how anybody can survive and train that long enough to do that stunt even once!

Or those free climbers who don’t use a rope and climb around on buildings where not even insects would have enough grip.

They live in the same reality where I manage to go to bed in perfect healthy condition and wake up with back pain.

I don’t have any super powers, but I learned that you make the most money on the worst days - when you don’t give up.

That is because in retrospect everything that went well required that I didn’t quit in the unpleasant times before.

Driving for at least three hours each work day wasn’t fun, especially not in the winter. But today I work from home.

Losing all my affiliate websites in an argument with the webhoster?

I didn’t like that, but today I sell trading courses that create much better profits.

And I also didn’t like the fact that my own, former tax consultant was willing to force my company almost into bankruptcy.

But today I have better results and I am very risk averse with my spendings.

There are still days when I don’t even want to open my emails, because one thing goes wrong - and then another and maybe even one more.

But after all - things have improved over time.

And the only reason for that is that I didn’t give up on those days when I didn’t believe that it all would work out.

Today I know that another one of these days will come.

I will be convinced that it doesn’t work.

I will be convinced that the best thing to do is to give up and quit.

But one thing is very helpful for me.

I know that I have had that feeling before and I know that I didn’t quit back then.

So I don’t quit and I do what I said I would do.

Until now that has always been a good decision, but it never feels that way when I am in the middle of that situation.

There is a saying that life is what happens while you are making other plans.

I think it was Tony Robbins who said that you can change your goal at any time…

And when I started this shiny online business thing, I would have never guessed that I would do what I do today.

I guess you can not plan everything, in my case on the way I made some decisions that changed the direction for me.

So if you can make a decision to give up today and you don’t do it, that might improve your chance to finally get what you want.

Maybe in another way that you could not have been planned.

Christopher Columbus had to convince people to give him money for his journey.

Those people thought that the world is flat and that he would likely fall over the edge.

But they gave him the money anyhow!

He must have been very convincing, especially as we all know that he wanted to find a way to India and not to America.

Today, with a modern GPS the coast guards would have arrested him as soon as he missed his course by a few miles, but we still see him as a hero.



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