
I Heard My Parents Saying I'm Not Going To Live Long

I Heard My Parents Saying I'm Not Going To Live Long ❀ Thank you for your constant support and engagement! We have received many stories and are working on animating them!

❀ A PROFESSIONAL Voice Actor will record your story! We do everything to keep your identity private, unless you wish differently!

Hey Everyone! My name is Sarah and two weeks ago I went through the most horrific night of my life. I REALLY WISH that I didn’t hear my parents cry….

Well it was 3 in the morning, usually I am in deep sleep at this time of the night but from the past few days I was really sick due to which I was having a really disturbed sleep. Suddenly I woke up in the middle of the night because of some strange noises. I tried to ignore them and go back to sleep but I couldn't. I wanted to sleep so bad but my fever and sore throat were not letting me, the noises made the matter worst. But then I noticed that the noises were in fact cries coming from the hallway. I paid more attention and realized that it was my mum who was crying. I got worried sick… my parents are really strict about their sleeping schedule, I knew something was terribly wrong. I slowly walked towards their room and tried to open the door. It was locked and I was literally too scared to knock. The best I could do was to listen carefully and figure out why in the world is she crying?!

My dad was up too because I could hear him talking. I found it really difficult to understand the conversation because they were murmuring words, maybe because they didn't want me to wake up. I was listening to their conversation and suddenly I heard my mum say something that TORE MY WORLD APART! I started shivering to my core! Her exact words were ‘Sarah is too young to face the facts! I can't lose her, I can't accept this! We can't do anything Dave!’. Tears started rolling down my cheeks, I didn't know what to do. I was scared, I wanted to hug mum but I was not sure what was happening. However, I did try to connect the dots. My health was deteriorating each day because of my sickness, my parents were crying late at night. The doctors, they were saying something to my parents too in my previous checkup. All of this leads to one conclusion only…

I may not survive for long…

I ran towards my room, jumped on my bed, stuck my head onto the pillow and CRIED MY HEART OUT! I was afraid, cold and heart broken. What scared me most was the thought of getting seperated from my amazing parents! I can't even imagine a day go by without looking at their beautiful faces. They are my world, my everything! And now.. now I had to part ways with them, to a whole new world, a whole new place. I didn't want to lose my parents, I was not ready to DIE!

I cried all night and somehow fell asleep. Next day I woke up; I was sad, depressed and weak. All I wanted was to just quickly sit near mom and dad, just to feel their love. I made my decision as soon as I woke up and that was to make the best of my last days! To spend most of my time with the two most important people in my life! I decided I need to talk to them and ask them not to cry because I want them to see them happy before saying goodbye. I walked out of my room… Mom and Dad both were in the kitchen and as soon as they heard my footsteps, they turned towards me and passed me a smile! Dad said ‘good morning’ and I couldn't hold my tears in, I quickly wiped them off and asked my parents to come sit with me because I wanted to talk something really important.

They immediately asked me what happened. I told them everything about how I heard them talking last night. I said ‘Mom, Dad i just want you two to know I love you guys! Both of you mean the world to me! I just can't see you guys cry. It's okay, I am ready to face the fact, I am ready to die but before that I just want to spend my best days with you guys!’
My mom burst into tears but my dad looked confused, he just looked at me with his mouth open. Then suddenly he said ‘Sarah you got it all wrong!’ I was like WHAAAAAAAAAT?

Then my mom continued, she said ‘Sarah you're not dying, you're perfectly fine! It's just that we hid a secret from you. I really have bo idea how to tell you. This is the most difficult moment of our life. Both your dad and I love you more than anything else in life. The truth is.. Hmm, well, you're adopted.. and your biological mother showed up and she wants to meet you. We are just scared that you will choose to leave us’.

“ADOPTED? WHAAAT? YOU ARE NOT MY REAL PARENTS?” That moment my world collapsed and everything just turned upside down in my eyes. Does this mean that you brought me from a freaking adoption center or what? My biological parents didn't want me? Wait I don’t understand… Am I that worthless for them? And these two people raised me like their own child, why? Was it out of pity? I hate them for lying to me! How could they not tell me all of this and wait until now to confess?

parents,overheared,heared,live long,spy,problems,my story animated,stories,animation,short film,

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