
How To Make Your Ex Fall Back In Love With You

How To Make Your Ex Fall Back In Love With You --

YouTube! Brad Browning AKA Breakup Brad here, and in this video I’m going to be explaining how to make your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend fall back in love with you again. So, if you are hoping to get a second chance with your ex, and you want them to fall head over heels for you and beg to have you back… keep watching this video all the way to the end.

Fact #1: You have a massive advantage, and a reason to be optimistic.
The simple reality is that you KNOW your ex has already fallen in love with you once in the past... when you first started dating, when you were in the “honeymoon phase”... your ex was probably madly in love with you at some point, and that gives you a huge advantage over anyone else who might be interested in your ex. This is great news, of course, because it means you know for sure that you and your ex are compatible, and you just need to become the same person your ex fell in love with back when you were together.

Fact #2: Romantic attraction is not a choice.
A lot of people fall into the trap of trying to talk their way back into their ex’s heart. That’s never going to work -- in fact, most of the time, it makes matters worse and will make your ex even less attracted to you. HOWEVER, because attraction and love aren’t something we choose to feel, they’re also emotions and feelings that we simply can’t control or overpower with logic and reasoning.

Fact #3: There are scientifically proven ways to help your ex fall for you again.
Thankfully for you, you’ve found someone -- yours truly, Breakup Brad -- who has been helping people from around the world re-unite and reverse their breakups for well over a decade now. I’ve worked with more than 110,000 clients overcome situations like the one you’re facing right now, and I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. I’ve also looked into the psychology and science to learn a number of surprisingly effective ‘hacks’ that can help you quickly and effectively change how your ex feels about you and the possibility of a future together.

Step #1: Let your ex go (for now).
The unfortunate reality is that at this point, your ex has lost their feelings for you… at least to some extent. And like I mentioned earlier, there’s no magic word you can say to change how he or she feels for you. In fact, trying to do or say anything in the immediate aftermath of the breakup to try and get your ex to change their mind is going to backfire and make matters worse. That means no begging, no pleading, no apologizing repeatedly, no sending gifts or writing long love letters.

Step #2 - Wipe the slate clean & start fresh.
The second step towards making your ex fall back in love with you involves re-setting their mental image of you. In essence, what’s going on in the back of your ex’s mind right now when they think about you and your time together as a couple is overwhelmingly negative… or at least, they’re thinking about you as “the past” rather than a part of their future. That’s something you need to change in order to win them back, obviously.

Step #3 - Plant the seeds of desire and attraction.
When you’ve begun to change your ex’s negative perception of you -- something you’ll already be well on your way to doing by employing the first two steps I just described -- it’s time to slowly send him or her psychological messages that demonstrate the fact that you’re still that attractive, bold, and charismatic person your ex remembered when you first met.

Step #4 - Get my help if you’re facing a tough or unique situation.
Once again, I’m finishing up another YouTube video with a blatant sales pitch… but please, folks, consider signing up for my 1-on-1 personal coaching service to get my ongoing help and guidance working through a particularly challenging or unique scenario you may be facing. As long as I’ve got a coaching spot available, I’ll be happy to take the time to learn about your situation and help you ensure you get the best possible chance of rescuing things with your ex. Learn all about my coaching and sign up today at

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brad browning,breakups,get your ex back,ex boyfriend,ex girlfriend,love,dating,relationships,

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