
Business and joy don’t mix- unless…

Business and joy don’t mix- unless… Business and joy don’t mix- unless…

You can calm your own resistance around stepping out of your current place of chaos.

Normally people will say you need to step out of your comfort zone, but that can sound downright condescending when you’re in the middle of a full-time job with a family and have a thousand urgent responsibilities to tend to.

Or you’re just simply tied down with a thousand responsibilities outside of your family that seem like you’ll never break away from long enough to put the focus you need on

Simply put, wherever you are right now in your life has you in a specific state of chaos that cause you to feel you’ll never be able to “get a real business going”.

But the truth is that “getting a real business going” actually requires you to implement small action steps that lead you to your bigger business goals inevitably.

Taking one small action step at a time is what creates a profitable, long-term business you can rely on. And these small action steps can be taken in the midst of your current state of chaos- in fact, they can help ground you and give you a new sense of hope and perspective for the strength you already possess and the ability you already have to not only handle all that is coming your way right now but to build a strong, powerful business with your art in the process.

You just have to get past your own sense of resistance and put a plan in place in order to implement those steps.

And the first step to do so is to break the pattern that you’re too busy, there’s too much tech to learn, you’re too behind, there’s too much to focus on all at once-

The best way to create that pattern interrupt for your brain is to say these two words:

Small Circles.

Small Circles are the bite-size steps you need to take, one at a time, to get out of your current situation and into the joy and flow of running your own business.

But if your mind is not reminded of this, it will continue to resist the idea of doing anything outside of what you’re currently “tied down” with in life.

So, use these two words to remind your mind that the Small Circle steps will not take away- they will ground you, keep you steady, help you make progress faster.

Small Circles.

Practice saying these two words to yourself each time you think about how much you want to start your art business online but have too much going on to begin.

Start now and move away from resistance and into joy.

In fact, do it, notice how you feel and share in the comments below- I can’t wait to hear what you experience!

Want to learn how to put together your plan for your business so you have small circle steps in place to take? Be sure to take my complimentary masterclass!

CLICK HERE to take the Masterclass:

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