Preventative health is about self-love and looking after ourselves on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. If we are not healthy right now, we need to make changes. We need to put physical actions into place so we are living our best life.
Preventative health, is all about COMMON SENSE. It is all about becoming more conscious of what we do and do not put into or on our bodies or minds. It really is all about SELF-CARE and SELF-LOVE. This is the basis of all preventative health; loving and caring for oneself.
In the article in Holistic Living Magazine Edition 16 Adrian talks about being in nature, sitting in the sunshine, eating a healthy diet, exercise, drinking healthy water and not putting junk into our bodies. He says more than ever before, taking control of our health in this preventative way is so important because of all of the pollutants in our environment and the high stress lifestyle many of us are living.
The rate of people on ‘prescribed medication’ is way out of balance. Once people start on this path, they then very often have to navigate and work with the many side-effects – which, more often than not, lead to taking another drug to deal with that side-effect - and on it goes … The cocktail of medication begins!
Wouldn’t it be better to learn a simple technique that you can do anywhere anytime instead of relying on medication? If you say YES this video is for you. Learn this holistic health technique now….
Having some defined tools and resources at your disposal can help you to stay in good health. Adrian talks us through an exercise that he uses with his clients, that we can use daily. It is very simple and a good foundation and starting point.
Adrian says, “This one daily exercise is one of the best preventative measures to ill health that I know of. Really, it is all about CHECKING IN!” This Where Am ‘I’ Right Now? physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually exercise is highly effective – it gives one a chance to tune in and find out if anything is out of alignment. It is like having a car service and tune up every day – or as I advise – several times a day – on the hour, every hour - and such a simple step. The process is easy to set up and do.
Coming back into alignment and into a place of health and wellbeing can be a long and challenging journey for many people. When people are down and not feeling the best, it can be difficult to ask for any external help, let alone trying to find any self-help from within. However, this seemingly simple, yet powerfully profound exercise can help people as they get the daily (hourly) reminders.
An Alien Space-Ship Is Coming.... WATCH THE VIDEO FOR THIS FUN BIT!
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