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#6 Baffling Beetles
These insects seem to suffer from a case of identity crisis. They’re beetles that are native to Costa Rica and are very small at about 1.6 mm long. But they don’t look like beetles, nor do they live like them. This species lives within a colony of nomadic army ants and has kind of adopted their appearance. They’ve also adopted the ants as their means of personal transportation whenever the colony moves. The small, spindly beetles are known to latch onto the waist of worker ants, and let those insects carry them to their destination. Once it’s attached, the beetle mimics the appearance of the ant’s abdomen, making it look like the worker has two of those segments. Until they can get Uber, it looks like hitchhiking is the beetles best chance for a lift.
#5 Mariana Snailfish
These deep sea creatures belong to a family of fish that contains over 400 species. And geographically, they’re the world’s most widespread marine fish organisms. Members of this species measure about 29 centimeters long (11 inches) and appear like pale tadpoles. Although they weigh a scant 160 grams (0.35 pounds), they’re the top predators in their deep sea environment That includes various regions of the Mariana Trench, where depths can approach 8,500 meters (27,000 feet). Did you know that these snailfish inhabit the Challenger Deep? It’s located in the southern part of the Mariana Trench and contains the deepest point known in the planet’s seabed at nearly 11,000 meters (36,000 feet).
#4 Extremely Senior Citizens
Fossil specimens known as Dickinsonia (dik-in-so-nee-uh) were initially found in South Australia, and have since turned up in Ukraine and Russia among other locations. Specimens can range more than 4.5 feet long (1.4 m) and have a thickness of only a few millimeters. The fossils have engendered a lot of debate as to whether they were created by organisms like plants, fungi (fun-jie), or bacteria. Researchers have now concluded that the fossils belonged to animals, and not to something like an enormous amoeba. That’s because analysis revealed the presence of molecular fossils of cholesterol, which is only found in animals. Since they date back to the Ediacaran (ee-dee-AK-ur-uhn) period some 557 million years ago, Dickinsonia represents the world’s oldest known animal fossils! As for what type of animal created those fossils is still open to debate. Tell us what you think in the comments.
#3 Frogs with Fangs
Now there’s a phrase you don’t hear so often. But these amphibians endemic to Indonesia are indeed known to possess such choppers. The animals are around 1.5 inches long (37 mm) from snout to vent and are known for having well-developed tails and mouth parts at birth. As to the purpose of those fangs? Experts say that many amphibians have teeth, although they’re very different from ours. The fangs of these frogs aren’t really teeth, though. They’re bony protrusions that erupt through the gumline. The spike-like structures might be used for snatching prey from fast-moving water. But their exact function still remains a mystery. Have any ideas?
#2 Deepsea Lizardfish
This unusual beast was initially found in 2017 off the eastern coast of Australia and was then declared a distinct species about a year later. They have slender cylindrical bodies that can reach more than 70 cm long, and huge mouths filled with sharp, needle-like teeth used to capture and tear at prey. Researchers say they’re one of the world’s deepest dwelling apex predators. And they’re known to eat anything, including others of their kind. But they’re not worried about ravaging their population. These creatures are hermaphrodites that possess both male and female reproductive traits. Living some 3,500 meters (11.500 feet) below the surface, these lizardfish don’t get to hook up so often. As hermaphrodites, they can perpetuate the species regardless of which gender they encounter.