Kenyans fear to register because they think that this is a satanic number.
Is this really so?
If not what is huduma number and what is the mark of the beast?
I will like us to understand this from the bible concept.
What’s the mark?
How will it be established?
When will this happen?
Who are they targeted?
The bible gives clear details concern the mark of the beast.
Christians and non-Christians I believe they have heard about antichrist and his work.
Though the bible is clear in this context from prophecy?
What does Daniel say?
What does John say? From revelation 13
The bible says: from Ephesians 6 verse 12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
God did not hide anything from us which will happen soon. We should know the world is soon reaching to an end and we must be aware that soon Christ will soon return.
Now let’s see what the bible say concerning the mark of the beast.
In order to understand what the mark is, we must first identify the beast. How does the bible describe the beast?
Revelation 13: 1-8, 16-18 provides identifying characteristics
1. Rise from sea
2. Composite of the four beasts of Daniel chapter 7
3. Dragon gives it power and authority
4. Receive a deadly wound
5. Deadly wound healed
6. Strong religious power
7. Guilty and of blasphemy
8. Wars with and overcome the saints
9. Rules for 42 months
10. Has mysterious number 666
Let’s describe some point what does they mean
Am not against any religion or I don’t want to give propaganda of what is not reality, noooo
My aim is to give straight what the bible says about this.
Most people are convinced of this number 666
Is this really the mark of the beast?
If yes what does the bible say 666 stands for?
The bible is clear.
Let’s read Revelation 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding.
Okay mark the key word. Understanding
Should do what?
Count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; okay for it’s the number of? A man and his number is Six hundred three score and six. 666
This is a human name that counts to 666 not a mark of the beast!
Here is where people confuse about the mark and the name, you will find most people saying 666 is the mark of the beast which not actually.
This is just the name of the beast
We found that this beast will Rise from the sea
In bible prophecy the sea or water represents densely populated area so the beast will rise from amid.
The established nation of the well-known world in Europe
Let’s first see what 666 means
I know you have come across this name VICARIUS FILII DEI
Vicarius filii dei means vicar son of God in other words a representer of Christ on earth
This name is a title to Popes, I mean catholic popes which claims they are Jesus
You won’t understand this unless we calculate this!
We are using roman numbers:
At school you may have leant about them so you may be familiar with them
V Represents 5
I Represents 1
C Represents 100
A Does not exist
R Does not exist
I Represents 1.
U Represents 5
S Does not exist
F Does not exist
I Represents 1
L Represents 50
I Represents 1
I Represents 1
D Represents 500
E Does not exist
I Represents 1
112 + 53 + 501 = 666
We have seen the name of the beast. Then what’s the mark of the beast?
Before we identify the mark of the beast first let’s see the mark of God
Ezekiel 20 verse 12 and 20 says
Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them.
And hallow my Sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that you may know that I am the LORD your God.
What’s a sign?
I guess you know! A sign is a mark.
So the Sabbath is a mark of God
Definitely the beast should have its mark,
We have identified the beast as Papacy,
So if the mark of God is Sabbath Saturday then the mark of the beast is Sunday. The day that is respected from Vatican throughout the world
So is huduma number the mark of the beast?
No. definitely no. no the bible has confirmed that
Also revelation 13 talks about buying and selling without this mark what does it mean?
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
We will discuss the mark of the beast in more details to understand revelation 13 so stay tuned to this channel by subscribes not to miss it out.
When we shall be taking in details all the identifying characteristics of the beast.